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What is Cranial Osteopathy?

A form of manual medicine, Osteopath's view the body as a whole and aim to treat the cause of a problem rather than just the symptoms. 


Cranial Osteopathy, also known as Cranial-Sacral Osteopathy, is a specialised field of Osteopathy that follows all of the same principles but includes the anatomy and physiology of the head. â€‹


Our cranial Osteopaths in Queenstown and Wanaka use a highly trained sense of touch to feel subtle changes of tension and tissue quality within the body and to diagnose areas of strain or dysfunction. 


It works as an inside-out approach by releasing deeper tensions within the body which subsequently have an effect on superficial ones. 

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Cranial Osteopathy is suitable for: 


  • Concussion / head trauma

  • Digestive disorders

  • Infants and children

  • Nervous system imbalance

  • Chronic pain

  • Acute injuries

  • Headaches & migraines

  • Whiplash

  • Autoimmune nerve conditions


Our Queenstown and Wanaka osteopaths and clinics are registered Primary Health Care Practitioners and ACC providers, so you don't need a doctor's referral to be seen by us.


Meet our Cranial Osteopaths


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Fiona Laryn

Osteopath D.O. MSc. Ost.,

Available in Queenstown

Speaks Italian & English


Cedric Jallet

Osteopath D.O. Bsc. (Hons) Ost. Dip. Acupuncture TCM Western Medical Acupuncture

Available in Wanaka

Speaks English, French & Spanish


Brita Graser

Osteopath MBA.,  M.OstPelvic Health Therapist

Available in Queenstown

Speaks English, German, French & Lao

More about Osteopathy



Cranial Osteopathy is suitable for all ages, from infants to elderly and pregnant women. 


It is safe, non-invasive and gentle. 

What to expect from your appointment?

During your initial consultation your Osteopath will take a detailed case history of your condition as well as any other conditions you wish to share. They will take into consideration past and present conditions or injuries as well as your physical and mental health, in order to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

They will discuss the treatment plan with you and then begin treatment in the first appointment.

Cranial techniques can be direct (mechanical) or indirect on the structures of the skull and face. These structures include; cranial bones, meninges, muscles and fascia, nerves and vascular supply. 

Techniques aim to work on the primary disfunction or restriction through the autonomic nervous system and biomechanical restrictions. 


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