Sleep Difficulties for Infants, Babies and Toddlers
Your little one and your family may benefit from working with a Sleep Consultant if they are:
Struggling with short day naps
Difficulty settling for sleep
Late bedtimes
Not settling until midnight
Frequently waking overnight
Earlier morning wake ups
Understanding when and how to implement sleep training is crucial for a good night's rest.
0-3 Months Old
For infants aged 0-3 months, sleep training is about offering valuable sleep advice as they're not yet developmentally ready for formal sleep training methods.
3 Months - 5 Years Old
Ages 3 months to 5 years old, we're here to help you establish healthy sleep habits and can do this through a different range of sleep training methods. Our sleep training solutions are tailored to suit the unique needs of children in this age range, ensuring they develop the skills necessary for a lifetime of restful nights.
Please note: All online bookings for Sleep Consultation are done through the Frankton Clinic in the online bookings section.
Our Sleep Services

1 Week Support Package
A full evaluation of your child’s current sleep situation
A customised sleep plans personalised to your child
One private introduction consultant - 40-60 minute - via phone call or in person at our Frankton clinic
3x15min follow up phone calls during the week
Evaluation and feed back on daily logs over the one week

2 Week Support Package
A full evaluation of your child’s current sleep situation
One private introduction phone consultant - 40-60 minute - via phone call or in person at clinic
A customised sleep plans personalised to your child
6x15min follow up phone calls during two week
Evaluation and feed back on daily logs over the two weeks.

One Off Phone Calls
For new and existing clients:
30 Minute Phone Call
Ask me anything
No take home support given out
45 Minute Phone Call
Ask me anything
Includes emailed out sleep advice.
About Belinda - Sleep Consultant
As an Osteopath with over 5 years of experience in treating children, I've had the privilege of witnessing first-hand the joys and challenges that come with parenthood. A frequent topic of discussion was the challenging issue of sleep. Driven by a genuine passion for the wellbeing of both babies and their parents, I pursued studies to become a qualified sleep consultant for infants, babies and children.
I firmly believe that sleep is a fundamental component of overall well-being for babies, parents, and the entire family unit. A good night's sleep not only rejuvenates the body but also promotes mental and emotional balance.
As Osteopaths we pride ourselves on treating each patient as an individual and finding the cause of a problem and a solution that is personalised to them. Every family is different, every child is different so having a personalised approach to sleep is important.
I am here to empower you with simple, effective strategies that will help your child sleep better, so that you, too, can get the rest you deserve. Together, we'll create a nurturing environment where everyone can thrive, and I'm thrilled to join you on this journey toward peaceful, restorative sleep for your family.

5.5 month old girl
We couldn’t recommend Belinda enough!
Our wee girl was a great sleeper until the 4 month sleep regression, where she then refused to sleep unless she was being held, day naps were no longer than 45 mins & we had multiple wake ups during the night. Belinda successfully helped us get our wee one back to sleeping in her bed, going down without any fuss, two hour day naps & the night wakes to only 1 or 2 during the night all within a couple of weeks!
She was always so helpful & quick to reply to any of my questions & never short of new advice to help me at any of our check ins.
Thank you so much Belinda!
2 year old girl
We're incredibly grateful for the life-changing support provided by Belinda. We were very hesitant about getting help with Bella's sleep and I would always say "Maybe she'll sleep when she's 1 year old.." then "Maybe she'll sleep when she's 18 months old"... but then we finally got the guidance we should've looked for a long time ago. Thanks to Belinda, Bella has just started sleeping through the night (just in time for her 2nd birthday!) So if you're on the fence about whether you should get help (regardless of your child's age); then I would recommend talking to Belinda (you'll only wish you did sooner).
Belinda's expertise, tailored sleep plan, and unwavering support led to remarkable improvements in Bella's sleep in just a few weeks. What truly stood out was her empathy and professionalism. There were a few key changes we needed to make that Belinda identified through our logs which really helped Bella's overall routine (not just sleep, but her energy levels, wind down, eating etc!). Belinda was amazing at working with our parenting style whilst still helping us with boundaries and consistency. We wholeheartedly recommend Belinda!
Thanks again for all your help!
6 month old boy
Thanks for the email and for your support throughout the whole training. Like i've said before, it was not what i thought i'll be able to do ever. It was so difficult at the start and I almost gave up. Mentally I was not able to let him cry it out even with me sitting next to him as a support. But you have assisted me in adapting to my way of settling which I was more comfortable with. The fact that I am able to leave for work without having to worry if Steve is able to settle Isaac is a big win!